Monday Open Thread - Colorado Pols

2022-09-17 02:56:55 By : Ms. Charmy Yueng

“Ignorance is the softest pillow on which a man can rest his head.”

Is that quote form a My Pillow ad?

When I read it, that was my very thought that Montaigne was discussing Lindell.

It’s been a delicious weekend watching Merika’s Hatriots twisting themselves into pretzels railing against student loan forgiveness. There aren’t enough gas-powered clown cars on the planet to house these morans.  

It has been quite a show. Sen. Blunt and Larry Hogan seemed to be dancing on the head of a pin during yesterdays' laugh-a-thon.

Hogan held on, hedging all the way…but Roy Blunt wins the Sunday morning Mealy Mouth Award.

Considering the contestants I observed, anyway.

It’s almost like they had no idea Trump had $700 million in debt come due in 2008 and he failed to pay. He got an extension, failed to pay that, and then sued Deutsche Bank for $3 billion, accusing them of predatory financing – and they let him off the hook for $287 million (ie: loan forgiveness).   

He lied about all of it. 

White House's new hire in the communication shop apparently talked everyone into the series of tweets about how much PPP loans were forgiven for many of the House members complaining about the student loan forgiveness.  LOTS of praise of the rapid response and social media savvy from the 25-year-old who had been running the NJ Governor's social media.

If this is her work … I'm looking forward to much, much more of the confrontation. 

There is a delicious thread on Facebook right now where Scott Gessler made the unfortunate error of bemoaning loan forgiveness 🤣

Imagine my surprise at discovering that Scott Gessler is a lying, hypocritical piece of shit.

Gessler has gone full batshit.  Some of my fellow attorneys who are still Rs say the same thing

If there is an undoing of this great American experiment I’m convinced it will lay at the feet of Christian Nationalists. I realize this isn’t everyone’s “thing” here, but for those of us who try to live authentically through our faith this post over the weekend by Sad Jesus hit the nail on the head: 

There is no such thing as a Christian nation. It doesn't exist. It can't exist. Not a chance. Not with Christ. For Christ cannot be nationalized. He refuses the platform. He rejects any and all power established through vote, people, government, or popularity. He seeks no political party, no people group, and no established system of organization.  He cannot be colonized, weaponized, militarized, bulldozed into existence, marched down the street, hammered by a gavel, or flown over a stadium. He dwells outside of walls, structures, and human constructs. He tears down all that would cage Him, franchise Him, leverage Him, and hoist Him upon a flag. For Jesus lives in the margins, the cracks, the undefined, and the unconstituted. He cannot be legislated, demarcated, or plotted on a map.  Far beyond theology, denominations, creeds, rules, religion, news networks, social media, speeches, conferences, prayer formulas, mission statements, worship centers, bibles, and books. He blesses all. Lives in all. Claims all… equally. He is all, in all, and for all, or He means nothing at all.  There is no budget that can commandeer him, no army that can assert Him, no democracy that can elect Him, no dictator that enforce Him, and no office, house, branch, or anthem that can contain Him. In fact, you can surely be sure that any person, group, or effort to nationalize Him is not of Him. Not even close. Perhaps it's becoming all the more clear. The code has been cracked; the mystery has been solved. The cancer has been disguised as the cure; the blasphemy of the Holy Spirit is revealed. Hidden in plain sight, Christianity without Jesus is the anti-Christ and the nationalization of this Christianity is his ultimate pursuit.  For you can nationalize hate. You can nationalize greed. You can nationalize racism. You can nationalize violence. You can nationalize injustice. You can nationalize white supremacy. But, you can't nationalize Jesus. For Christ can't be nationalized, but all that is anti-Christ surely can. Within every call, drumbeat, and chorus to nationalize Christianity is the screaming confession that, "we have not, believe not, and worship not Jesus." Don't be fooled, all the pursuits of Christian nationalism and the establishment of a Christian nation. They have nothing to do with Him and cannot exist with Him, by Him, or for Him.

Grace is brave. Be brave.

An extremely well written statement. I have never made a secret of my mistrust for humans who use Christ on the one hand and pervert his message on the other. Ye are particularly vile.

I know lots of Pagans who are better “Christians” than many who proudly (and arrogantly) pin on that badge. 

 My father leans agnostic but I would not get into a Bible debate with him! For most, it’s the equivalent of bringing a butter knife to a gun fight. 

Duke! You found another 2nd person plural form! It’s ancient, but widely used in a bestseller book.

“Ye” takes its place next to y’all, youse, you’uns, yinze, you people, and you guys.   

May the best pronoun win!

God rest ye merry gentlemen

The endless ranting pronoun wars

Duke solved for us today.

For He and She are all a Ye

And shall now be known as such.

And nonbinaries are welcome very much.

For every new ID is welcome here.

Dang! First it was Christmas at Thanksgiving, then Christmas at Halloween. Now we got Christmas before we've even celebrated Labor Day. Sheesh!

AND…… When one even questions  the probability of a god, the huffing and puffing gets way out of hand. they are never wrong and won't allow that in a conversation.

They cannot, Blackie. It is blasphemy.

My mother grew up in a Pentecostal Holiness church. They were fundamentalists before fundamentalism was cool…so to speak.

Blasphemy…along with fun, was forbidden.

Your mom was a holy roller? How did you ever come out so cool? I escaped the Church of Christ. Almost as bad, but I'm sure Duke knows that. The south and southwest are lousy with them. 

I’m one of those ragamuffin Catholics who thinks “God” may be a black woman. Oh, how I hope that’s true. 

I will save you time and worry. It's Sister Rosetta Tharpe!

I liked the revision to label them Nationalist Christians.  They have a much more definite view of what the United States ought to look like than what the Community of Christ or even a City of God would be. 

This needs to be a response to Boebert's warped "christian" exclamations – every single time. 

A libertarian paradise – what could go wrong…

I've got Cholera 

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